class autode.wrappers.ORCA.ORCA#

An autodE wrapped method that calls an executable to generate an output file


path – Full file path to the executable. Overrides the path found when calling

See also


add_solvent_keyword(molecule, keywords)#

Add a keyword to the input file based on the solvent

coordinates_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) Coordinates#

Extract the final set of atomic coordinates from the output file. They must be in the same order as they were specified


Run this calculation and generate an output file

generate_input_for(calc: CalculationExecutor) None#

Generate the input required for a calculation

get_keywords(calc_input, molecule)#

Modify the keywords for this calculation with the solvent + fix for single atom optimisation calls

gradient_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) Gradient#


#—————— CARTESIAN GRADIENT <- i #——————

1 C : -0.011390275 -0.000447412 0.000552736 <- j

hessian_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) Hessian#

Grab the Hessian from the output .hess file


            0         1
                   2          3            4
0      6.48E-01   4.376E-03   2.411E-09  -3.266E-01  -2.5184E-01
.         .          .           .           .           .
static input_filename_for(calc: CalculationExecutor) str#

Determine the input filename for a calculation

property is_v5#

Is this ORCA version at least 5.0.0?

optimiser_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) BaseOptimiser#

Optimiser that this method used. Set from the calculation output

static output_filename_for(calc: CalculationExecutor) str#

Determine the output filename for a calculation

partial_charges_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) List[float]#



Total integrated alpha density = 12.997461186 Total integrated beta density = 12.997461186


0 C -0.006954 0.000000 . . . .

print_solvent(inp_file, molecule, keywords)#

Add the solvent block to the input file

terminated_normally_in(calc: CalculationExecutor) bool#

Did the calculation terminate normally?

use_vdw_gaussian_solvent(keywords) bool#

Determine if the calculation should use the gaussian charge scheme which generally affords better convergence for optimiations in implicit solvent


keywords (autode.wrappers.keywords.Keywords) –

Return type:


version_in(calc: CalculationExecutor) str#

Get the version of ORCA used to execute this calculation

class autode.wrappers.ORCA.ORCAOptimiser(output_lines: List[str])#
__init__(output_lines: List[str])#
property converged: bool#

Has the optimisation converged?

property last_energy_change: PotentialEnergy#

Find the last energy change in the file

autode.wrappers.ORCA.print_added_internals(inp_file, calc_input)#

Print the added internal coordinates

autode.wrappers.ORCA.print_cartesian_constraints(inp_file, molecule)#

Print the Cartesian constraints to the input file

autode.wrappers.ORCA.print_coordinates(inp_file, molecule)#

Print the coordinates to the input file in the correct format


Print some useful default parameters to the input file

autode.wrappers.ORCA.print_distance_constraints(inp_file, molecule)#

Print the distance constraints to the input file

autode.wrappers.ORCA.print_num_optimisation_steps(inp_file, molecule, calc_input)#

If there are relatively few atoms increase the number of opt steps

autode.wrappers.ORCA.print_point_charges(inp_file, calc_input)#

Print a point charge file and add the name to the input file