


class autode.opt.coordinates.base.OptCoordinates(input_array: Sequence | ndarray, units: str | Unit)#

Coordinates used to perform optimisations

clear_tensors() None#

Helper function for clearing the energy, gradient and Hessian for these coordinates. Called if the coordinates have been perturbed, making these quantities not accurate any more for the new coordinates


Return a copy of the array.


order ({'C', 'F', 'A', 'K'}, optional) – Controls the memory layout of the copy. ‘C’ means C-order, ‘F’ means F-order, ‘A’ means ‘F’ if a is Fortran contiguous, ‘C’ otherwise. ‘K’ means match the layout of a as closely as possible. (Note that this function and numpy.copy() are very similar but have different default values for their order= arguments, and this function always passes sub-classes through.)

See also


Similar function with different default behavior



This function is the preferred method for creating an array copy. The function numpy.copy() is similar, but it defaults to using order ‘K’, and will not pass sub-classes through by default.


>>> x = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], order='F')
>>> y = x.copy()
>>> x.fill(0)
>>> x
array([[0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0]])
>>> y
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])
>>> y.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
property e: PotentialEnergy | None#


property g: ndarray | None#

Gradient of the energy

\[G = \nabla E \equiv \left\{\frac{\partial E}{\partial\boldsymbol{R}_{i}}\right\}\]

where \(\boldsymbol{R}\) are a general vector of coordinates.

property h: ndarray | None#

Hessian (second derivative) matrix of the energy

\[\begin{split}H = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial^2 E} {\partial\boldsymbol{R}_{0}\partial\boldsymbol{R}_{0}} & \cdots \\ \vdots & \ddots \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

where \(\boldsymbol{R}\) are a general vector of coordinates.

property h_inv: ndarray | None#

Inverse of the Hessian matrix

h_or_h_inv_has_correct_shape(arr: ndarray | None)#

Does a Hessian or its inverse have the correct shape?

abstract iadd(value: ndarray) OptCoordinates#

Inplace addition of some coordinates

implemented_units: List[Unit] = [Unit(Å), Unit(nm), Unit(pm), Unit(m)]#
property indexes: List[int]#

Indexes of the coordinates in this set

make_hessian_positive_definite() None#

Make the Hessian matrix positive definite by shifting eigenvalues

property raw: ndarray#

Raw numpy array of these coordinates

abstract to(*args, **kwargs) OptCoordinates#

Transformation between these coordinates and another type

update_g_from_cart_g(arr: Gradient | None) None#

Update the gradient from a Cartesian gradient, zeroing those atoms that are constrained

update_h_from_cart_h(arr: Hessian | None) None#

Update the Hessian from a cartesian Hessian with shape 3N x 3N for N atoms, zeroing the second derivatives if required

class autode.opt.coordinates.cartesian.CartesianCoordinates(input_array, units='Å')#

Flat Cartesian coordinates shape = (3 × n_atoms, )

property expected_number_of_dof: int#

Expected number of degrees of freedom for the system

iadd(value: ndarray) OptCoordinates#

Inplace addition of some coordinates

to(value: str) OptCoordinates#

Transform between cartesian and internal coordinates e.g. delocalised internal coordinates or other units


Transformed coordinates

Return type:



(ValueError) – If the conversion cannot be performed

Delocalised internal coordinate implementation from: 1. and references cited therein. Also used is 2.

The notation follows the paper and is briefly summarised below:

x : Cartesian coordinates
B : Wilson B matrix
G : ‘Spectroscopic G matrix’
q : Redundant internal coordinates
s : Non-redundant internal coordinates
U : Transformation matrix q -> s
class autode.opt.coordinates.dic.DIC(input_array)#

Delocalised internal coordinates (DIC)

property active_indexes: List[int]#

A list of indexes for the active modes in this coordinate set

classmethod from_cartesian(x: CartesianCoordinates, primitives: PIC | None = None) DIC#

Convert cartesian coordinates to primitives then to delocalised internal coordinates (DICs), of which there should be 3N-6 for a polyatomic system with N atoms

all pairwise inverse distances


Delocalised internal coordinates

Return type:


iadd(value: ndarray) OptCoordinates#

Set some new internal coordinates and update the Cartesian coordinates

\[x^(k+1) = x(k) + ({B^T})^{-1}(k)[s_{new} - s(k)]\]

for an iteration k.


(RuntimeError) – If the transformation diverges

property inactive_indexes: List[int]#

A list of indexes for the non-active modes in this coordinate set

to(value: str) OptCoordinates#

Convert these DICs to another type of coordinate



Return type:


class autode.opt.coordinates.dic.DICWithConstraints(input_array)#

Delocalised internal coordinates (DIC) with constraints. Uses Lagrangian multipliers to enforce the constraints with:


L(X, λ) = E(s) + \sum_{i=1}^m \lambda_i C_i(X)

where s are internal coordinates, and C the constraint functions. The optimisation space then is the n non-constrained internal coordinates and the m Lagrangian multipliers (lambda_i).

property active_indexes: List[int]#

Generate a list of indexes for the active modes in this coordinate set

h_or_h_inv_has_correct_shape(arr: ndarray | None)#

Does a Hessian or its inverse have the correct shape?

property inactive_indexes: List[int]#

Generate a list of mode indexes that are inactive in the optimisation space. This requires the m constrained modes being at the end of the coordinate set. It also includes the lagrange multipliers

property raw: ndarray#

Raw numpy array of these coordinates including the multipliers

update_lagrange_multipliers(arr: ndarray) None#

Update the lagrange multipliers by adding a set of values

zero_lagrangian_multipliers() None#

Zero all lambda_i

class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.ConstrainedPrimitive(*atom_indexes: int)#

A primitive internal coordinate constrained to a value

delta(x: CartesianCoordinates) float#

Difference between the observed and required value

is_constrained = True#
is_satisfied(x: CartesianCoordinates, tol: float = 0.0001) bool#

Is this constraint satisfied to within an absolute tolerance

class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.ConstrainedPrimitiveBondAngle(m: int, o: int, n: int, value: float)#
__init__(m: int, o: int, n: int, value: float)#

Angle (m-o-n) constrained to a value (in radians)

  • n – Atom index

  • value – Required value of the constrained angle

class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.ConstrainedPrimitiveDistance(i: int, j: int, value: float)#
__init__(i: int, j: int, value: float)#

Distance constrained to a value


value – Required value of the constrained distance

class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.LinearAngleBase(m: int, o: int, n: int, r: int, axis: LinearBendType)#
__init__(m: int, o: int, n: int, r: int, axis: LinearBendType)#

Linear Bend: m-o-n

class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.LinearBendType(value)#

For linear angles, there are two orthogonal directions

BEND = 0#
class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.Primitive(*atom_indexes: int)#

Primitive internal coordinate

__init__(*atom_indexes: int)#

A primitive internal coordinate that involves a number of atoms

derivative(x: CartesianCoordinates) ndarray#

Calculate the derivatives with respect to cartesian coordinates

\[\frac{dq} {d\boldsymbol{X}_{i, k}} {\Bigg\rvert}_{X=X0}\]

where \(q\) is the primitive coordinate and \(\boldsymbol{X}\) are the cartesian coordinates.


Derivative array of shape (N, )

Return type:


is_constrained = False#
second_derivative(x: CartesianCoordinates) ndarray#

Calculate the second derivatives with respect to cartesian coordinates

\[\frac{d^2 q} {d\boldsymbol{X}_{i, k}^2} {\Bigg\rvert}_{X=X0}\]

where \(q\) is the primitive coordinate and \(\boldsymbol{X}\) are the cartesian coordinates.


Second derivative matrix of shape (N, N)

Return type:


class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.PrimitiveBondAngle(m: int, o: int, n: int)#

Bond angle between three atoms, calculated with the arccosine of the normalised dot product

__init__(m: int, o: int, n: int)#

Bond angle m-o-n

class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.PrimitiveDihedralAngle(m: int, o: int, p: int, n: int)#
__init__(m: int, o: int, p: int, n: int)#

Dihedral angle: m-o-p-n

class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.PrimitiveDistance(i: int, j: int)#

Distance between two atoms:

\[q = |\boldsymbol{X}_i - \boldsymbol{X}_j|\]
class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.PrimitiveDummyLinearAngle(m: int, o: int, n: int, axis: LinearBendType)#

Linear bend with a dummy atom

__init__(m: int, o: int, n: int, axis: LinearBendType)#

Linear Bend: m-o-n

class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.PrimitiveInverseDistance(i: int, j: int)#

Inverse distance between two atoms:

\[q = \frac{1} {|\boldsymbol{X}_i - \boldsymbol{X}_j|}\]
class autode.opt.coordinates.primitives.PrimitiveLinearAngle(m: int, o: int, n: int, r: int, axis: LinearBendType)#

Linear Angle w.r.t. a reference atom

Coordinates for dimer optimisations. Notation follows: [1]

class autode.opt.coordinates.dimer.DimerCoordinates(input_array: Sequence | ndarray, units: str | Unit = amu^1/2')#

Mass weighted Cartesian coordinates for two points in space forming a dimer, such that the midpoint is close to a first order saddle point

property delta: float#

Distance between the dimer point, Δ

property did_rotation#

Rotated this iteration?

property did_translation#

Translated this iteration?

property dist: MWDistance#

Distance that the dimer was translated by from its last position

property f_r: ndarray#

Rotational force F_R. eqn. 3 in ref. [1]

property f_t: ndarray#

Translational force F_T, eqn. 2 in ref. [1]

classmethod from_species(species1: Species, species2: Species) DimerCoordinates#

Initialise a set of DimerCoordinates from two species, i.e. those either side of the saddle point.

property g0: ndarray#

Gradient at the midpoint of the dimer

property g1: ndarray#

Gradient on the ‘left’ side of the dimer

property g2: ndarray#

Gradient on the ‘right’ side of the dimer

g_at(point: DimerPoint) ndarray#
iadd(value: ndarray) OptCoordinates#

Inplace addition of some coordinates

implemented_units: List[Unit] = [Unit(Å amu^1/2)]#
property phi: Angle#

Angle that the dimer was rotated by from its last position

set_g_at(point: DimerPoint, arr: ndarray, mass_weighted: bool = True)#

Set the gradient vector at a particular point

property tau: ndarray#

Direction between the two ends of the dimer (τ)

property tau_hat: ndarray#

Normalised direction between the two ends of the dimer

to(*args, **kwargs) OptCoordinates#

Transformation between these coordinates and another type

property x0: ndarray#

Midpoint of the dimer

property x1: ndarray#

Coordinates on the ‘left’ side of the dimer

property x2: ndarray#

Coordinates on the ‘right’ side of the dimer

x_at(point: DimerPoint, mass_weighted: bool = True) ndarray#

Coordinates at a point in the dimer

class autode.opt.coordinates.dimer.DimerPoint(value)#

Points in the coordinate space forming the dimer

left = 1#
midpoint = 0#
right = 2#