
class autode.wrappers.G09.G09(executable_name='g09', path=None, keywords_set=None, implicit_solvation_type=None)#
__init__(executable_name='g09', path=None, keywords_set=None, implicit_solvation_type=None)#

Gaussian 09

coordinates_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) Coordinates#

Get the final set of coordinates from a G09 output

execute(calc) None#

Run this calculation and generate an output file

generate_input_for(calc) None#

Print a Gaussian input file

gradient_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) Gradient#

Get gradients from a Gaussian output file in the format

1 6 -0.000205102 0.000074692 0.000073625 . . . . .

hessian_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) Hessian#

Extract the Hessian from a Gaussian09 calculation, which is printed as just the lower triangular portion but is symmetric so the full 3Nx3N matrix can be re-constructed. Read it from the final output block sandwiched between 11….. \@


calc (autode.calculation.Calculation) –

Return type:



(IndexError | ValueError)

static input_filename_for(calc: CalculationExecutor) str#

Determine the input filename for a calculation

optimiser_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) BaseOptimiser#

Optimiser that this method used. Set from the calculation output

static output_filename_for(calc: CalculationExecutor) str#

Determine the output filename for a calculation

partial_charges_from(calc: CalculationExecutor) List[float]#

Extract the partial atomic charges corresponding to the final geometry present in the output file

terminated_normally_in(calc, rerun_if_failed=True)#

Did the calculation terminate normally?

version_in(calc) str#

Get the version of Gaussian used in this calculation

class autode.wrappers.G09.G09Optimiser(output_lines: List[str])#
__init__(output_lines: List[str])#
property converged: bool#

Has the optimisation converged?

property last_energy_change: PotentialEnergy#

Find the last energy change in the file