
class autode.species.species.Species(name: str, atoms: List[Atom] | Atoms | None, charge: float | int, mult: float | int, solvent_name: str | None = None)#
__init__(name: str, atoms: List[Atom] | Atoms | None, charge: float | int, mult: float | int, solvent_name: str | None = None)#

A molecular species. A collection of atoms with a charge and spin multiplicity in a solvent (None is gas phase)

  • atoms (list(autode.atoms.Atom) | None) – List of atoms in the species, or None

  • charge (int) – Charge on the species

  • mult (int) – Spin multiplicity of the species. 2S+1, where S is the number of unpaired electrons

Keyword Arguments:

solvent_name (str | None) – Name of the solvent, or None for a species in the gas phase

property atomic_masses: List[float]#

Atom masses of all the atoms in this species

property atomic_symbols: List[str]#

Atomic symbols of all atoms in this species

property atoms: Atoms | None#

Constituent atoms of this collection

property bond_matrix: ndarray#

Numpy boolean array containing which atoms are bonded, also known as an adjacency matrix.

calc_g_cont(*args, **kwargs) None#

Calculate the Gibbs free (G) contribution for this species using Species.calc_thermo()

calc_h_cont(*args, **kwargs) None#

Calculate the enthalpic (H) contribution for this species using Species.calc_thermo()

calc_hessian(method: Method, keywords: Keywords | None = None, numerical: bool = False, use_central_differences: bool = False, coordinate_shift: float | ~autode.values.Distance = Distance(0.002 Å), n_cores: int | None = None) None#

Calculate the Hessian

numerical = True

  • numerical – Whether to do a numerical frequency calculation using analytic gradients

  • use_central_differences

    Use central differences to calculate the

    numerical Hessian. If True then use

    df/dx = [f(x+h) - f(x-h)] / 2h otherwise use single sided differences (faster but less accurate) df/dx = [f(x+h) - f(x)] / h

  • coordinate_shift – Shift applied to each Cartesian coordinate (h) in the calculation of the numerical Hessian

  • n_cores – Number of cores to use for the calculation. If None then default to Config.n_cores

calc_thermo(method: Method | None = None, calc: ~autode.calculations.calculation.Calculation | None = None, temp: ~autode.values.Temperature | float = Temperature(298.15 kelvin), keywords: ~typing.Sequence[str] | str | None = None, **kwargs) None#

Calculate the free energy and enthalpy contributions using the ideal gas approximation

Keyword Arguments:
  • lfm_method (LFMethod | str) – Method to treat low frequency modes. {‘igm’, ‘truhlar’, ‘grimme’}. Defaults to Config.lfm_method

  • ss (str) – Standard state to use. Defaults to Config.standard_state


(autode.exceptions.CalculationException | ValueError)

centre() None#

Translate this molecule so the centroid (~COM) is at the origin

property charge: int#

Total charge on this species

property conformers: Conformers#

Conformers of this species

property coordinates: Coordinates | None#

Numpy array of coordinates

copy() TypeSpecies#

Copy this whole species


All energies calculated at a geometry (autode.values.Energies)

property energy: PotentialEnergy | None#

Last computed potential energy. Setting with a float assumes electornic Hartree units. Example:

>>> import autode as ade
>>> species = ade.Species(name='H', atoms=[ade.Atom('H')], charge=0, mult=1)
>>> species.energy is None
>>> species.energy = -0.5
>>> species.energy
Energy(-0.5 Ha)
>>> species.single_point(method=ade.methods.ORCA())
>>> species.energy
Energy(-0.50104 Ha)

Energies are instances of autode.values.Energy so can be converted to different units simply:

>>> species.energy.to('kcal mol-1')
Energy(-314.40567 kcal mol-1)
>>> species.energy.to('eV')
Energy(-13.63394 eV)

All previsouly calculated energies of a species are availble with the energies attribute:

>>> species.energies
[Energy(-0.5 Ha), Energy(-0.50104 Ha)]
property enthalpy: Enthalpy | None#

Enthalpy (H) of this species, calculated using the last energy and enthalpy contribution. Example:

>>> import autode as ade
>>> h2 = ade.Molecule(smiles='[H][H]')
>>> orca = ade.methods.ORCA()
>>> h2.optimise(method=orca)
>>> h2.calc_h_cont(method=orca)
>>> h2.enthalpy
Enthalpy(-1.15069 Ha)

The enthalpy contribution is seperated, so performing a single point provides a new enthalpy using the electronic energy at the single-point level of theory:

>>> h2.single_point(method=orca)
>>> h2.enthalpy
Enthalpy(-1.15497 Ha)
explicitly_solvate(num: int = 10, solvent: str | Species | None = None) None#

Explicitly solvate this Molecule

Keyword Arguments:

solvent (str | autode.species.Species | None) –


(ValueError) – If the solvent is not defined as a string or a Species and the solvent of this species is not defined

find_lowest_energy_conformer(lmethod: Method | None = None, hmethod: Method | None = None, allow_connectivity_changes: bool = False) None#

Find the lowest energy conformer of this species. Populates species.conformers and sets species.atoms and species.energy. By default will only optimise at a low-level method

Keyword Arguments:
  • hmethod (autode.wrappers.ElectronicStructureMethod) – High-level method to use.

  • allow_connectivity_changes (bool) – Allow changes in connectivity, although not (by definition) a conformer it is useful to allow


(RuntimeError) – If no conformers (with energies) can be generated

property formula: str#

Molecular formula of this species. Example:

>>> import autode as ade
>>> blank_mol = ade.Molecule()
>>> blank_mol.formula
>>> h2 = ade.Molecule(smiles='[H][H]')
>>> h2.formula
property free_energy: FreeEnergy | None#

Free energy (G or A) of this species, calculated using the last energy and free energy contribution

property frequencies: List[Frequency] | None#

Frequencies from Hessian diagonalisation, in cm-1 by default and are projected from rotation and translation

property g_cont: FreeEnergyCont | None#

Return the Gibbs (free) contribution to the energy

property gradient: Gradient | None#

Gradient (dE/dx) at this geometry.

property graph: MolecularGraph | None#

Molecular graph with atoms(V) and bonds(E)

Note: Graphs are lazily evaluated, i.e. if one has not been generated for this species before and it does have atoms then a graph will be generated. Subsequent accesses of this property will use the cached internal/private self._graph attribute

property h_cont: EnthalpyCont | None#

Return the enthalpic contribution to the energy

has_identical_composition_as(species: Species) bool#

Does this species have the same chemical identity as another?

property has_reasonable_coordinates: bool#

Does this species have a ‘reasonable’ set of coordinates? I.e. No atom-atom distances that are particularly short or long. Also checks that all the atoms don’t lie in a single plane, which is possible for a failed 3D embedding of a structure.

has_same_connectivity_as(other: Species) bool#

Determine if this species have the same connectivity as another


Does another species have the same connectivity?

Return type:


property has_valid_spin_state: bool#

Does this species have a valid spin state given the atomic composition and charge state?

>>> import autode as ade
>>> h = ade.Molecule(atoms=[ade.Atom('H')], charge=0, mult=1)
>>> h.has_valid_spin_state
>>> hydride = ade.Molecule(atoms=[ade.Atom('H')], charge=-1, mult=1)
>>> hydride.has_valid_spin_state
property hessian: Hessian | None#

Hessian (d^2E/dx^2) at this geometry (autode.values.Hessian | None) shape = (3*n_atoms, 3*n_atoms)

property imaginary_frequencies: List[Frequency] | None#

Imaginary frequencies of a molecule

Imaginary frequencies, or

None if there are none

Return type:

(list(autode.values.Frequency) | None)

property is_explicitly_solvated: bool#
property is_implicitly_solvated: bool#
is_linear(tol: float | None = None, angle_tol: ~autode.values.Angle = Angle(1.0 °)) bool#

Determine if a species is linear i.e all atoms are colinear

0 to n (n > 1). Present for compatibility and overrides angle_tol if not None

Keyword Arguments:

angle_tol (autode.values.Angle) – Tolerance on the angle considered to be linear

is_planar(tol: float | ~autode.values.Distance = Distance(0.0001 Å)) bool#

Determine if a species is planar i.e all atoms are coplanar

property mult: int#

Total spin multiplicity on this species (2S + 1)

property n_conformers: int#

Number of conformers of this species

new_species(name='species', with_constraints: bool = False) Species#

A new version of this species, identical properties without any energies, gradients, hessian, conformers or constraints.


with_constraints (bool) – Should the constraints from this species be copied into the new one

Return type:


normal_mode(mode_number: int) Coordinates | None#

Vibrational normal mode indexed from 0, the first 6 are translation and rotation and have zero displacements. The first vibrational mode has mode_number = 6.

Return type:


optimise(method: Method | None = None, reset_graph: bool = False, calc: Calculation | None = None, keywords: Sequence[str] | str | None = None, n_cores: int | None = None) None#

Optimise the geometry using a method

  • reset_graph (bool) – Reset the molecular graph

  • calc (autode.calculation.Calculation) – Different e.g. constrained optimisation calculation

  • keywords (list(str) | None) – Calculation keywords to use, if None then use the default for the method. Does not include solvent-specific ones

  • n_cores (int | None) – Number of cores to use for the calculation, if None then will default to autode.Config.n_cores



property partial_charges: List[float]#

Partial charges on all the atoms present in this species

populate_conformers(*args, **kwargs)#

Populate self.conformers

print_xyz_file(title_line: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, additional_title_line: str | None = None, with_solvent: bool = True, append: bool = False) None#

Print a standard xyz file from this molecule’s atoms

name of this molecule

Keyword Arguments:
  • additional_title_line – Additional elements to add to the title line

  • with_solvent – If the solvent is explicit then include the solvent atoms in the .xyz file

  • append – Should the structure be appended to the existing file

property radius: Distance#

Calculate an approximate radius of this species. Does not consider any VdW radii of the outer most atoms i.e. purely determined on nuclear positions

reorder_atoms(mapping: dict) None#

Reorder the atoms in this species (in place) using a mapping. For example, to reorder the atoms in a HF molecule:

>>> import autode as ade
>>> hf = ade.Species(name='HF', charge=0, mult=1,
...                   atoms=[ade.Atom('H'), ade.Atom('F', x=1)])
>>> hf.atoms
Atoms([Atom(H, 0.0 0.0 0.0), Atom(F, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)])
>>> hf.reorder_atoms(mapping={0: 1, 1: 0})

(ValueError) – If the mapping is invalid

reset_graph() None#

Reset the molecular graph of this species by its connectivity

rotate(axis: ndarray | Sequence, theta: Angle | float, origin: ndarray | Sequence | None = None) None#

Rotate the molecule by around an axis

  • theta (Angle | float) – Angle to rotate anticlockwise by if float then assume radian units

  • origin (np.ndarray | list(float) | None) – Origin of the rotation

single_point(method: Method, keywords: Keywords | Sequence[str] | str | None = None, n_cores: int | None = None) None#

Calculate the single point energy of the species using a method

  • keywords (list(str) | None) – Calculation keywords to use, if None then use the default for the method

  • n_cores (int | None) – Number of cores to use for the calculation, if None then use autode.Config.n_cores



property sn: int#

Calculate the symmetry number (σ_R) of the atoms. Only implemented for ‘small’ molecules <50 atoms

References: [1] Theor Chem Account (2007) 118:813 [2] . Phys. Chem. B (2010) 114:16304

property solvent: Solvent | None#

Solvent which this species is immersed in

Solvent or None if the species is

in the gas phase

Return type:

(autode.solvent.Solvent | None)

property solvent_name: str | None#

Name of the solvent or None

Return type:

(str | None)

property sorted_atomic_symbols: List[str]#

Atomic symbols of all atoms sorted alphabetically

property symmetry_number: int#

Calculate the symmetry number (σ_R) of the atoms. Only implemented for ‘small’ molecules <50 atoms

References: [1] Theor Chem Account (2007) 118:813 [2] . Phys. Chem. B (2010) 114:16304

translate(vec: Sequence[float]) None#

Translate the molecule by vector

property vib_frequencies: List[Frequency] | None#

Vibrational frequencies, which are all but the lowest 6 for a non-linear molecule and all but the lowest 5 for a linear one

property zpe: Energy | None#

Zero point vibrational energy of this species. Any imaginary vibrational frequencies present are converted to their real analogues.