- exception autode.exceptions.AtomsNotFound#
Exception for atomic coordinates/identities being found
- exception autode.exceptions.AutodeException#
Base autodE exception
- exception autode.exceptions.BondsInSMILESAndGraphDontMatch#
Exception for a partially disjoint set of bonds in SMILES and a graph
- exception autode.exceptions.CalculationException#
Base calculation exception when an external autodE calculation fails
- exception autode.exceptions.CannotSplitAcrossBond#
A molecule cannot be partitioned by deleting one bond
- exception autode.exceptions.CoordinateTransformFailed#
Internal coordinate to Cartesian transform failed
- exception autode.exceptions.CouldNotGetProperty(*args, name=None)#
Exception for where a property e.g. energy cannot be found in a calculation output file
- __init__(*args, name=None)#
- exception autode.exceptions.CouldNotPlotSmoothProfile#
A smooth reaction profile cannot be plotted
- exception autode.exceptions.FailedToAdjustAngles#
Exception for when the internal angles in a ring cannot be adjusted
- exception autode.exceptions.FailedToSetRotationIdxs#
Exception for the atoms that need to be rotating in 3D building not being found
- exception autode.exceptions.InvalidSmilesString#
Exception for a SMILES string being invalid
Exception for an autodE wrapped method not being available
- exception autode.exceptions.NoAtomsInMolecule#
Exception for no atoms existing in a molecule
- exception autode.exceptions.NoCalculationOutput#
Exception for a calculation file that should exist not existing
- exception autode.exceptions.NoConformers#
Exception for no conformers being present in a molecule
- exception autode.exceptions.NoInputError#
Exception for a autodE calculation having no input e.g atoms
- exception autode.exceptions.NoMapping#
Exception for where there is no mapping/bijection between two graphs
- exception autode.exceptions.NoMolecularGraph#
Exception for a molecule not having a set graph
- exception autode.exceptions.NotImplementedInMethod#
Exception for where a method is not implemented in a wrapped method
- exception autode.exceptions.OptimiserStepError#
Unable to calculate a valid Optimiser step
- exception autode.exceptions.RDKitFailed#
Exception for where RDKit fails to generate conformers
- exception autode.exceptions.ReactionFormationFailed#
Exception for where a reaction cannot be built. e.g. if there are no reactants
- exception autode.exceptions.SMILESBuildFailed#
Exception for where building an example 3D structure cannot be built from a SMILES string
- exception autode.exceptions.SolventNotFound#
Exception for a solvent not being in the list of available solvents
Exception for a solvent not being available for a calculation
- exception autode.exceptions.SolventsDontMatch#
Exception for where the solvent in reactants is different to products
- exception autode.exceptions.TemplateLoadingFailed#
A template file was not in the correct format
- exception autode.exceptions.UnbalancedReaction#
Exception for an autodE reaction not being balanced in e.g. N_atoms
- exception autode.exceptions.UnsupportedCalculationInput(message='Parameters not supported')#
Exception for an autodE calculation input not being valid
- __init__(message='Parameters not supported')#
- exception autode.exceptions.XYZfileDidNotExist#
Exception for an xyz file not existing
- exception autode.exceptions.XYZfileWrongFormat#
Exception for an xyz being the wrong format