
cgbind is built in Python 3 and has been tested with v. 3.7. An anaconda or miniconda installation is highly recommended to easily install the dependencies.


The autode package is an optional dependency to perform semi-emprical, DFT and ab initio calculations.


If the requirements (autode, rdkit, numpy, scipy, networkx, Cython) are already available cgbind can be install with pip:

$ pip install cgbind

Mac OSX / Linux#

To install cgbind inside a conda environment first clone the repository and cd there:

$ git clone
$ cd cgbind

then install the appropriate dependencies (you may want to create a new virtual environment) and install:

$ conda install --file requirements.txt -c conda-forge
$ python install

The whole process including installing miniconda is shown here.


On Windows without a git installation cgbind can be installed with anaconda by, on the GitHub page using Clone or download → Download ZIP then extracting it. Then, open an anaconda command prompt and cd to the directory and proceed as above e.g.:

$ cd Downloads/cgbind-master/
$ conda config --append channels conda-forge
$ conda install --file requirements.txt
$ python install

The above commands assume you have extracted the zip to C:\Users\yourusername\Downloads.


By default Windows doesn’t have a C++ compiler required to build the extension to generate electrostatic potentials, as such this feature is not enabled by default. If a C++ compiler is available install with python install --esp_gen to build the ESP extension.

Common Problems#

Conda is not found:

$ conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda command not found

First, make sure either miniconda or anaconda installed then ensure you’ve closed and reopened your terminal after installation.

A required module is not found (setuptools, rdkit, Cython):

$ python install
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    from Cython.Build import cythonize
ImportError: No module named Cython.Build

Check that you’ve run conda install --file requirements.txt and that you’re using the conda version of python (i.e. running which python returns /some/path/(ana/mini)conda/bin/python). If which python returns /usr/bin/python or another non-conda version of python then you may need to activate the base conda environment with conda activate base.