
A few examples for generating and analysing metallocages. The full examples are available on GitHub.

Generating a Metallocage#

To generate an archetype Pd2L4 metallocage (EZEVAI).

>>> import cgbind
>>> linker = cgbind.Linker(smiles='C1(C#CC2=CC=CC(C#CC3=CC=CN=C3)=C2)=CC=CN=C1',
>>>                        arch_name='m2l4')
>>> cage = cgbind.Cage(linker=linker, metal='Pd')

The Linker holds the linker as a Molecule and is required to build a Cage. If a cage is initialised from a single linker a homoleptic metallocage will be constructed. To generate a heteroleptic metallocage the cage needs multple linkers, for example

>>> alt_linker = cgbind.Linker(smiles='C1(C#CC2=NC(C#CC3=CC=CN=C3)=CC=C2)=CC=CN=C1',
>>>                            arch_name='m2l4', name='alt_linker')
>>> heteroleptic_cage = cgbind.Cage(linkers=[linker, linker, alt_linker, alt_linker],
>>>                                 metal='Pd')

To generate a standard .xyz file that can be visualised with e.g. Avogadro use

>>> cage.print_xyz_file()

Obtaining Metallocage Properties#

To obtain properties of a specific Cage e.g. the Pd-Pd distance, cavity volume (in Å3) and maximum escape sphere (Å3) as a window size probe

>>> m_m_dist = cage.get_m_m_dist()
>>> vol = cage.get_cavity_vol()
>>> escape_sphere = cage.get_max_escape_sphere()

To check all the current methods available

>>> methods = [method for method in dir(cgbind.Cage) if callable(getattr(cgbind.Cage, method))]
>>> print(methods)

M4L6 Metallocages#

Two M4L6 templates are available in cgbind the first suitable for catechol derived linkers (arch_name=’m4l6’), for example the cage published by Raymond . Also available is a template suitable for bipyridyl based linkers (arch_name=’m4l6n’, also referred to as M4L6’), for example published by Nitchke. To generate a bipyridyl-based Fe(II)4L6 metallocage over two cores:

>>> from cgbind import Linker, Cage, Config
>>> Config.n_cores = 2
>>> linker = Linker(smiles='C1(C2=CC=C(C#CC3=CN=C(C4=NC=CC=C4)C=C3)C=N2)=NC=CC=C1', arch_name='m4l6n')
>>> cage = Cage(linker=linker, metal='Fe', metal_charge=2)

Due to the conformational flexibility of some linkers a larger number of conformers may be required to find one with the correct geometry. To request more than the default 300 conformers initialise a linker with Linker(…, n_confs=300). Also possible is the ETKDGv2 algorithm in RDKit does not generate a conformer that affords a sensible structure, to use an earlier version Linker(…, use_etdg_confs=True).

Adding Architectures#

Extending cgbind to other architectures is possible using the add_template.py script. For example, the M24L48 metallocage from Fujita can be added as a template by downloading the crystal structure deposited in the CCDC using Open → CSD entry in external viewer to download the structure as a .mol2. Then:

$ python /path/to/cgbind/scripts/add_template.py WUQROQ.mol2 --name m24l48

Creating a M24L48 cage is then as easy as:

>>> from cgbind import Linker, Cage
>>> linker = Linker(smiles='n1ccc(cc1)-c2sc(cc2)-c3ccncc3', arch_name='m24l48')
>>> cage = Cage(linker=linker, metal='Pd')
>>> cage.print_xyz_file()